All Believers are Equal Before God, although they have different roles

Synod Convention 
A Synod Lay Delegate not only represents his congregation, but his entire geographical area. His decisions affect the entire Synod, locally and world wide. The decisions he helps make determine the direction Synod takes for the next two years. Sometimes these decisions impact the work of the church for decades.

Who gets to be a delegate?
Any male communicant member of the WELS is eligible to be a Synpd Covention delegate. The Recording Secretary of the Synod, with the advice and consent of the Conference of Presidents, is the guy who determines how many delegates each District gets to send. He attempts to make sure each District is equally represented. Overseas world missionaries are selected by the Board for World Missions and serve as observers or advisers.

There are currently about 1,270 congregations, 2,377 teachers and 1,394 pastors who hold US membership in the WELS. There are close to 293,000 communicant members in the U.S. I am unsure of how many are men. Out of all the pastors, teachers and laymen only 400 serve as Voting Synod Delegates.

According to Synod’s Constitution half of the delegates must be laymen. Not pastors, not teachers, but laymen like you and me. The other 200 seats are divided between pastors and teachers.

It should be noted that retired pastors and teachers cannot serve as lay delegates. Synod wants to make sure the people “sitting in the pews” are actively and equally represented. Remember:  All Believers are Equal Before God, although they have different roles .

Voting Delegates aren’t the only ones to attend convention. Synod officials, Sem Professors and Pastors serve as advisory delegates. They don’t vote, but offer procedural and spiritual guidance.The Conference of Presidents designates who will serve as advisory delegates.

What about you and me? How did I get chosen?
I’m not sure how my congregation got specifically chosen. Maybe it’s name was pulled out of hat! There are a lot of congregations and members who want to be involved; 1,270 congregations, tens of thousands possible delegates, and only 400 openings. It is an opportunity of a lifetime. Think about it. Your congregation has a 16% chance of being chosen to choose a lay delegate.

What I do know is the congregation chooses the Synod delegate from its membership. All Convention Delegates are certified by their district secretary. Also, just because a congregation is given the responsibility to select a lay delegate doesn’t mean it’s pastor is also a delegate.

One of the exciting things I never knew is that ANY Male WELS Member can attend convention as an observer.  An observer is responsible for his expenses, but I am told it is well worth it.

I’m a delegate. What now?
Even though a Delegate is selected by his congregation, he represents a much larger number of people. He is the representative of his entire geographical area! This might include several congregations, or many congregations.

Synod asks lay delegates to be in contact with the people we represent so we know your views and make sure those views are heard. We are encouraged to attend district, conference, or circuit meetings where the BORAM will be discussed. These are human efforts to prepare for convention. What really equips us for the convention are our Spiritual Gifts.

Spiritual Gifts Equip Us for Service
I had to ask myself if I am equipped to be a delegate. How can God use me? Than I remembered that God has equipped me, just like he equips every believer.

He equips us with gifts; specifically spiritual gifts. God gives us these gifts for the specific purpose of building up His Church. Nobody has the same combination of Spiritual Gifts in the same measure. This is what makes us truly unique in the strictest use of the word! This is what makes our participation in convention so valuable.

Our synod belongs to the Confessional Evangelical Lutheran Conference. This is a world wide body of 29 confessional Lutheran synods. They published an excellent paper about Spiritual Gifts which can be viewed in the Sem online archives. Section 6, “The Holy Spirit Gives Spiritual Gifts to His Church, begins on page 27. It is a good read well worth your time.

I will say it again. God equips His Church (us) with individual unique spiritual gifts which nobody else has in the same measure.  These gifts are specifically given only to believers, for acts of service and building up God’s Church. Isn’t building up God’s Church what the Convention is all about?

The Delegate Handbook
Synod put out a nice Delegate Handbook this year. They felt our lay delegates didn’t have enough information. I think it is great. I think anybody might find it interesting reading. Every delegate receives a printed copy and it is also available online.

My Dad often spoke of the BORAM , Book of Reports and Memorials, asking me if I would like to read it. I was clueless as to what it was or it’s importance and impact on the work of the Church. We are going to be looking at the BORAM in future posts. It is the meat of the convention.

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