Lime Jello with Shredded Carrots


You have often heard me say “The journey is more important than the destination.” Let me give you an example. I ran across Living Water Ev. Lutheran Church‘s website.

It is a nice site with some awesome content worth sharing. Check out their page concerning Synod Affiliation! I’ve pasted the text below.

[su_spoiler title=”Our Synod Affiliation” icon=”arrow”]

The Wisconsin Evangelical
Lutheran Synod ( WELS )

WISCONSIN – Because its founders in 1850 began in Milwaukee, WI, it’s headquarters. Our church is active in all 50 states and 20 world fields.

EVANGELICAL – because it is dedicated to the evangel ( good news ) of salvation by grace through faith alone.

LUTHERAN – because it reflects the freeing message uncovered again by Martin Luther in the Reformation of the Church in the 1500’s

SYNOD – because this Greek word, meaning “walking together” is a fellowship of 1200 congregations working together to train pastors, to build home and world missions, and to watch out for pure teachings of God’s Word in a world filled with so many of the Devil’s lies.


This post is using material found in the front of the binder which Convention gave to every delegate. Some is just to inform and satisfy the curiosity of those who are curious about certain things.  Below is the initial directions given to the delegates.

I realize not everybody is going to find ALL of the following information relevant to themselves or their congregation. I do hope you find some of it useful. At the very least, it will make you aware of resources.

[su_spoiler title=”Welcome!”  icon=”arrow”]


[su_spoiler title=”Map of Campus”  icon=”arrow”]




Lime Jello with Shredded Carrots

The food was good. However there wasn’t any green jello with shredded carrots. I would have thought such a traditional Lutheran food would have been on the top of the menu since this the Reformation was the theme of Convention!

I went online to find a recipe for lime jello with carrots (serouse: do a search on Lutheran lime jello and shredded carrots). It used to be a staple at every church potluck, but I haven’t had it for years. You would not believe how may ways there are to make it! Here is the recipe for those of you who wish to revive this Lutheran tradition.

[su_spoiler title=”Recipe” icon=”arrow”]


  • 1 cup shredded carrots
  • 1 cup crushed pineapple inch juice (save juice)
  • ice cubes
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 box lime Jello (3 ounce box)

Place shredded carrots in the bottom of an 8 x 8″ dish. Drain the crushed pineapple and reserve the juice in a 1-cup measuring cup. Add ice cubes to the juice so it equals one cup. Set aside.

Spread crushed pineapple over the carrots in the dish. In a small pan on low, heat one cup of water. Add Jello and stir until dissolved. Turn off the heat and add the pineapple juice/ice cube mixture and stir until the ice is melted. Pour Jello mixture over the carrots and pineapple. Refrigerate until firm (at least 2 hours).

I know not everybody is interested in knowing what we ate at convention. However, it is one of the first questions some people ask. We had the choice of eating in the outdoor grill area or eating a different menu in the cafeteria. I usually ate in both places.


We Ate Well

[su_spoiler title=”Navigating the Cafeteria” icon=”arrow”]



Of course, a convention doesn’t happen by itself. A lot of people and organizations put a lot of resources into making this happen. This is the Thank You list.

[su_spoiler title=”Thank You list” icon=”arrow”]


A whole room was dedicated to displays of the different ministries associated with our Synod.

[su_spoiler title=”Display Document” icon=”arrow”]


WELS Ministries

Many Ministries of the WELS are located at I am listing the ones who had a display booth at convention.

Calvary Academy Ministries

Calvary Academy Ministries Website

[su_spoiler title=”More” icon=”arrow”]

The idea for Calvary Academy was conceived by three families sitting around a kitchen table on Easter evening in 1993.

The concept was one they’d discussed previously: it would be a boarding facility with a preventive program in that the referrals would be made by parents and guardians with the help of relatives, teachers and pastors rather than through the public court system.

Students would be surrounded by the Lord’s love and word with a staff of caring Christians as their role models. The educational program would have a goal of helping each student “make up” lost credits and gain academic success.

A “level system” would take each student from a very structured program to a much less restrictive program during the 12 to 15 months of their attendance in order for each to return to his/her family and be ready to live in a God-pleasing way in the home, school and community.

Three more families helped to form a Steering Committee. A newsletter was sent to other families, Lutheran schools and Wisconsin Synod Churches.

Prayer support, financial support and letters of encouragement kept them going for the next four years, and Calvary Academy opened in 1997 in a former Lutheran grade school in South Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

In 2007 Calvary moved to a 40 acre campus located south of Mulberry, Florida, and continues to offer year ‘round attendance for its residents.

Since 1997 more than 300 young men and women from thirty-one states have benefited from Calvary’s program.


Congregation and Ministry Support Group

Congregation and Ministry Support Group Online Brochure

[su_spoiler title=”More” icon=”arrow”]

The role of the Congregation and Ministry Support Group (CMSG) is to provide assistance to congregations and schools through their called and lay leaders so that they might carry out gospel ministry in the most faithful way on the local level.

The various CMSG units give focused attention to specific areas of congregational life. Resources that are offered include print/electronic material, ‘schools’ for specialized leadership training, conferences, consultation, and Web connections. Each CMSG unit works with district coordinators to assess the needs of district parishes and schools and to provide resources, training, and personal assistance to meet those needs.

CMSG works in partnership with the Conference of Presidents, Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, and Martin Luther College for efforts at continuing education, professional growth, and pursuit of excellence in ministry.

CMSG is a valuable resource for local congregations, but its work also has a direct impact on synodical priorities (missions and worker training). Strong and healthy congregations are best able with gospel ministry to expand the kingdom and to enable the synod to carry out its ministries. Thus the many CMSG programs and services benefit not only congregations but also the worldwide mission of WELS. [/su_spoiler]

Church Mutual

Church Mutual Website

[su_spoiler title=”More” icon=”arrow”]

Church Mutual Insurance Company, the leading insurer of religious institutions, has partnered with WELS since 1976 and offers organizations a 15% discount on package policies (in states where allowed), as well as exceptional customer service and specialty expertise.

In addition to the price discount and specialty service you’ll receive by taking advantage of the WELS endorsement, our representatives will offer recommendations on ways to prevent losses while providing personal and professional service every step of the way. When it comes to protection, you’ll find we’re more than an insurer. We’re a partner who helps you further the greater good.


Hahn Financial Group

Hahn Financial Group Website

WELS Shepard Plan

WELS Shepard Plan

[su_spoiler title=”More” icon=”arrow”]

The WELS Shepherd Plan is the denominational 403(b) retirement income account plan sponsored by WELS. The Shepherd Plan provides workers with an opportunity to save and invest a portion of their earnings during their working years to provide income during their retirement years. Participation in the WELS Shepherd Plan is voluntary, and WELS calling bodies are permitted (but not required) to make employer contributions to the Shepherd Plan accounts of their workers. [/su_spoiler]

Kingdom Workers

Kingdom Workers Website

[su_spoiler title=”More” icon=”arrow”]

Kingdom Workers exists for the purpose of sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ, using volunteers in mission fields in partnership with ministries of our fellowship.

  • Builders For Christ helps congregations in fellowship with the CELC organize and provide skilled workers who will build facilities at a reduced cost.
  • Lutheran Health Alliance connects Christian health professionals aimed at improving the overall health and well-being of individuals, families, and communities, all while sharing the gospel and maturing as disciples of Christ.
  • Faith In Action matches mission-minded Christians with many congregations in fellowship with the CELC that need volunteers to carry out gospel ministry. [/su_spoiler]

Living Water Lutheran Church,  Hot Springs,  Arkansas

Living Water Lutheran Church,  Hot Springs,  Arkansas

[su_spoiler title=”More” icon=”arrow”]

I don’t know why this congregation was at Convention, but I really like the Synod Affiliation page on their website! [/su_spoiler]

Lutheran Preparatory School

Lutheran Preparatory School

Lutheran Association for Church Extension

Lutheran Association for Church Extension

[su_spoiler title=”More” icon=”arrow”]

The primary purpose of LACE is to provide congregations with low cost loans.
These loans can be used to refinance current mortgages; construct, expand or renovate church/school facilities; parsonage or teacherage construction; or to complete miscellaneous projects such as purchasing an organ or fixing a roof. [ LOANS ]

In addition to providing the funding for loans, LACE provides a channel through which people can purchase investments and
receive annual interest payments [/su_spoiler]

Lutheran Military Support Group

Lutheran Military Support Group Website

[su_spoiler title=”More” icon=”arrow”]

By Philip Mowry, president of the LMSG.

A group of military veterans from WELS and ELS got together in the summer of 2014 along with Pastor Paul Ziemer, WELS National Civilian Chaplain to the Military, and drafted a plan to start the Lutheran Military Support Group (LMSG). I am happy to report that the organization is now up and running.

LMSG is run by a board of WELS and ELS veterans from all branches of service and several states. The board consists of some retired military, some active duty, and some who served but separated before retirement. We are rank neutral (board members can be officers, NCO’s, or junior enlisted, and there is no rank among us) and apolitical.

LMSG is designed to serve both as an auxiliary to WELS Military Services and as an independent organization, having national reach and local impact. Our programs and projects will focus on these three areas:

  • Active Duty Support – We will be prepared to provide logistical, financial, educational, and human resources support to WELS Military Services. As current and former military people who have “been there,” we bring a host of skills, relationships, and perspectives not generally found among civilian church leadership.
  • Veteran Support – Our initial efforts are centered around supporting and enhancing synodical activities in addressing PTSD. Military Services, through Pastor Paul Ziemer and others, is very involved in education, training, and addressing PTSD from a spiritual perspective. We at LMSG bring personal experience to the areas of PTSD and its treatment.
  • Military Family Support – Those of us who have served are acutely aware of the critical role military families play in creating and maintaining an effective military force. We also know the unique hardships suffered by families of active duty/deployed service members, as well as the challenges faced by the family members of veterans. These loved ones support those who serve, while also serving, sacrificing, and suffering in their own right. We are working to create an annual synod-wide recognition day for military families. We also want to foster connections, catechism, and Bible class opportunities for families stationed at remote locations who otherwise would go without. [/su_spoiler]

Lutheran Science Institute

Lutheran Science Institute Website

Course on creation offered by MLC

Martin Luther College

Martin Luther College

Online Courses offered by MLC 

Michigan Lutheran Seminary Foundation

Michigan Lutheran Seminary Foundation Website

Michigan Lutheran Seminary Website

[su_spoiler title=”Who We Are” icon=”arrow”]

Who We Are

Who we are…
In 2001, the MLS Foundation was established to assist students financially as they study and prepare for the Lord’s work.
About the MLS Foundation
What we do…
The MLS Foundation nurtures relationships and encourages support to advance the mission of MLS: Under God, Michigan Lutheran Seminary prepares young people for a lifetime of service to the Lord Jesus Christ. [/su_spoiler]

Ministry of Christian Giving

Ministry of Christian Giving Website

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WELS Ministry of Christian Giving works on behalf of the Conference of Presidents to remind every WELS member that Christ’s love is our calling to “excel in the grace of giving.” We carry out this mission through two broad but distinct efforts. First, we assist with the gathering of Congregation Mission Offerings (CMO).

We also work to encourage direct gifts to WELS, or individual mission offerings, above and beyond congregational offerings. We do this through mailed appeals, coordination of special offerings, and by assigning Christian giving counselors. [/su_spoiler]


I recently stayed at a Hotel in New Ulm, MN. I hadn’t realized WELS members can get a special discount. Next time…

Shop WELS Website

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“Those who have trusted in God may be careful to devote themselves to doing what is good. These things are excellent and profitable for everyone” (Titus 3:8).

One of the blessings of walking together as a synod is that there are some things we can do better as a group than as individuals. Purchasing is one of those things. Because of the volume that we represent to potential vendors, many are willing to offer discounted prices on their products or services. This makes good “business” sense, but it is also wise stewardship as we all seek to be the best stewards we can of all of God’s resources.

All vendors have agreed to provide WELS organizations with discounted pricing on their products and/or services. Each relationship is a bit different, so please read the vendor information carefully about how to participate in the buying programs available. Typically, discounts will range from 1% to 25% depending on product line or volume. The greater the participation across the synod, the larger the discounts will grow.

Does your congregation use Verizon? Check out the special rates. [/su_spoiler]

The Lutheran Home Association

The Lutheran Home Association Website

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I always think of Belle Plaine, MN when The Lutheran Home is mentioned. I didn’t realize they also have homes in these locations. They also assist congregations who are involved or interested in starting a Jesus Cares Ministry. [/su_spoiler]

Time of Grace

Time of Grace Website

Time of Grace had a booth at convention. I had opportunity to talk with Pastor Mark Jeske, a classmate of my brother. And yes, he still remembers Martin’s antics at Northwestern College. And yes, he still remembers Martin riding his Honda motorcycle down the steps of the Seminary dorm, down the hallway, and up the steps on the other end…

[su_spoiler title=”More” icon=”arrow”]

I visited the Time of Grace website. The only reference to the WELS I could find on their website was in the biographies. What do you know? Pastor Jeske is the Senior Pastor at St. Marcus Lutheran Church in Milwaukee, WI.

They have a nice website. I like thier We Believe page. It is short, sweet, and clean looking. [/su_spoiler]

[su_spoiler title=”We Believe” icon=”arrow”]

We believe that God reveals himself to us through his Word, the Holy Bible, and that the changeless Gospel is divinely inspired, free of mistakes, contradictions or error.

We believe in the Triune God. One God, three persons; the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Through the innocent life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, anyone can be saved.

There is nothing we humans can do to earn our own salvation. The Holy Spirit calls us to Christ and to faith through the Word and baptism. He creates and sustains saving faith in Christ, and all who believe in him will not perish but have eternal life.[/su_spoiler]

I had to wonder, “How can Pastor Jeske have time to do both Time of Grace and be the Pastor at St. Marcus?” I found the answer. First of all, look at the church’s Leadership. There are 14 people, and that doesn’t include the school staff!

You’ve heard me talk about how synod (remember “Synod is You”) is so important. Pay special attention to what St. Marcus says about the importance of the Laypeople’s’ ministries. And yes, I still don’t like the word volunteers. As another source says, we the lay people minister, not volunteer!

[su_spoiler title=”Volunteers make up the foundation of the activities and opportunities available at St. Marcus Church.” icon=”arrow”]

At St. Marcus, service is not a “gimmick” or “program” of the church, but rather a natural response to the love shown by a God that calls us to be servants. We strive to live out our mission together, in community, in a way that encourages and invites all people into a life of servanthood in their church, family, neighborhood and workplace.

God challenges every Christ-follower to “use whatever gift he has received to serve others”. (1Peter 4:10)

Serving others deepens your relationship with God and with others. [/su_spoiler]

As I often say, “the journey is more important than the destination.” St. Marcus’s website was a nice side journey for me.

Getting back to Time of Grace, they are attempting to reach the lost. Some may consider their methods unconventional. No doubt they would take the statement as a compliment. The different types of ministries reminds me of all the different recipes for Lime and Shredded Carrot Jello!

Truth in Love Ministry

Truth in Love Ministry

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I wasn’t sure I had founds the website for this ministry. It doesn’t identify itself as being associated with the WELS. However, when I check the biographies of “The Truth in Love Team” if found they are all WELS educated. I didn’t find anything on concerning this ministry.

Whoops! I take that back. While looking at missions on I discovered the Mormon link which took me to the Truth in Love Ministry website. I just love the journey. It sometimes takes a little digging to find the information desired. [/su_spoiler]

WELS Benefit Plan

WELS Benefit Plan

[su_spoiler title=”More” icon=”arrow”]

The WELS Benefit Plans Office (BPO) serves WELS and Evangelical Lutheran Synod (ELS) workers and organizations through administration of the WELS Voluntary Employees’ Beneficiary Association (VEBA) Health Plan, the WELS Pension Plan, and the WELS Shepherd Plan. [/su_spoiler]

WELS Campus Ministry

WELS Campus Ministry on

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WELS conducts more than 550 campus ministries across the United States and Canada. Pastors in these ministries serve students either through Bible studies and activities or by mailing materials.

The mission of WELS Campus Ministry Committee is to help WELS college students grow in their faith so that they can reach out to other college students with the gospel. Campus Ministry also supports full- and part-time campus pastors, and provides helps for WELS congregations as they reach out to college students in their area. [/su_spoiler]

WELS Christian Aid and Relief

WELS Christian Aid and Relief on

Christian Aid and Relief provides disaster relief and humanitarian aid to people around the world who have been devastated by natural disasters and other tragedies. The committee also helps individuals with catastrophic medical and personal needs. [/su_spoiler]

WELS Church Extension Fund

WELS Church Extension Fund Website

WELS Church Extension Fund on

WELS Foundation/WELS Investment Funds, Inc.

WELS Foundation/WELS Investment Funds, Inc. on

[su_spoiler title=”More” icon=”arrow”]

The mission of WELS Investment Funds, Inc., is to strengthen and enhance the ministry of WELS and WELS-affiliated organizations by providing professionally managed investment portfolios. WELS Funds provide eligible participating organizations with the opportunity to invest in diversified investment portfolios without becoming involved with the detailed accounting and safekeeping procedures required for direct involvement in the various securities in the portfolios.

WELS Investment Funds currently manages portfolios for 169 congregations and 35 affiliated organizations.

Other Information on

Online Access [/su_spoiler]

WELS Historical Institute and WELS Archives

WELS Historical Institute and WELS Archives

The Historical Institute Website

Don’t confuse the Historical Institute with the WELS Archives.

WELS Missions

WELS Missions

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These are the missions currently being served.


Wisconsin Lutheran College

Learn more about WLC

Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary

I never realized that Sem merged with Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod’s Concordia Seminary in 1870. You can even find it on Wikipedia.

Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary Website

I can never promote the resources available to us, the Lay People, enough. Everytime I visit their site I find something new.

[su_spoiler title=”More” icon=”arrow”]

Of course there are the Essay Files. What a huge amount of information. I love them. I also notice that they made a change. The main essay page now lists the most recent essays. Nice!

Although the title is “The Pastor as Church Historian,” the beginning of the essay tells about Sem. Read far enough and there is lots of other interesting information.

Are you ready for Reformation? You might enjoy reading “The Ninety-Five Theses: The Little Spark That Grew Into A Reforming Fire .”

Sem is also on Facebook and Vimeo.

Even their curriculum resources are of interest to me as a Layman. I need to dig into these more. I know these DOGMATICS NOTES may seem a bit deep. However, it sure does answer a lot of questions about faith. It is something I can make use of for my personal Spiritual Growth and talking to others.

There are so many resources at this site it is overwhelming. [/su_spoiler]

WLCFS Christian Family Solutions

WLCFS Christian Family Solutions

There is way to much information on this site for me to even try to go through. I encourage you to visit their site.




LWMS Presentation of the Flags

[su_accordion]What should I do with all this convention material? It is overwhelming to read and sort. Is it worth the effort?

The first information I pulled out of my convention three inch three ring binder was the flag presentation documents. What do I do with it?

First, I decided it should go to our congregation’s Lutheran Women’s Mission Society (LWMS) contact person. After all, the presentation is given by ladies of the LWMS. There is a lot of information in these sheets. Am I duplicating effort?

This post should have been so simple. I grew up knowing about the LWMS. I wondered how this convention material would relate to what is on thier website, so I checked. After doing several searches I decided that maybe I really didn’t know what the LWMS is. Let’s look at the basics.

[su_spoiler title=”Mission Statement as posted on their website.” icon=”arrow”]

“LWMS is women dedicated to serving Jesus by increasing awareness of, interest in, and support of the mission outreach of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS).”

As WELS women we believe that Jesus was speaking to each of us when he directed his disciples to “…go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20

To this end we freely give of the time, talents, and treasures with which God has richly blessed us.”[/su_spoiler]

I was really surprised to learn at convention what a large part of the Synod budget is funded by the LWMS. I don’t remember the exact figure, but it was a large percentage. Right then and there I realized there must be more to this ministry than I realize.

[su_spoiler title=”Search the LWMS site” icon=”arrow”]

There search function revealed a lot of blog posts concerning the activity regarding the different missions and activity of LWMS search, but not information about the missions themselves.[/su_spoiler]

I began a Google search on the missions mentioned in the Flag Presentation document. For instance, I did a search using “wels apache mission.” It returned a lot of information related to the Apache Mission including a video like this.

The search also gave returns to information on about the mission. Did you know Kingdom Workers is involved with our Apache Mission? Check out

Did you know Kingdom Workers ministry is also involved with the WELS Christian Aid and Relief ministry? I find it interesting how the ministries of the different groups overlap. It is a good example of many parts, but one body. A lot can be learned from following the thread of links.

[su_spoiler title=”Other Search Results” icon=”arrow”]

Another exciting link is to our Sem’s online Essay Archive. There are essays having to do with the early work of the mission written by the descendants of the first missionaries. I love the archives. They are so full of rich information covering a wide variety of topics.

I started doing searches like this on all the missions mentioned and found it to be overwhelming. The resources are out there though. If you have a special interest in a particular mission the information is available.

Many are mentioned on Another great resource is CELC – Confessional Evangelical Lutheran Conference.


The Synod Convention has a long standing tradition of beginning with the LWMS Flag Presentation. The flags presented represent all the countries where the WELS has established a presents.

The following is material given to the Convention Delegates. I will be passing it onto our congregation’s LWMS contact people. The pages below are individual pictures good for printing or displaying digitally. Here is the  online PDF version.

I think adding the Flag Presentation graphic files to your church’s website and Facebook page would be awesome! 

[su_spoiler title=”Other Flags” icon=”arrow”]


The Convention’s BORAM has a section dedicated to Missions. I really didn’t know what church board would act this information. I decided to send it to the LWMS contact person.

[su_spoiler title=”Board for Home Missions from the BORAM” icon=”arrow”]



[su_spoiler title=”Board for World Missions information from the BORAM” icon=”arrow”]




[su_spoiler title=”Joint Mission Council Information from the BORAM” icon=”arrow”]


[su_spoiler title=”Summery Report” icon=”arrow”]


The most exciting information involved Resolution No. 04 of Floor Committee 02. The thank offering gathered at the opening service was equally divided among the new Synods. The Lutheran Church of Ethiopia, Eat Asia Lutheran Synod, and the South Asian Lutheran Evangelical Mission.

No information was provided as to what the total of the offering was.

[su_spoiler title=”Blog Text” icon=”arrow”]

Link to Synod Blog Post


[su_spoiler title=”Resolution ” icon=”arrow”]


Once again I ask myself if my efforts are worth it. I have to say yes. I have personally learned a lot. I pray that this information is shared and helps promote the work of LWMS and our missions.

A lot of the information can be shared on an electronic bulletin board if your congregation has one. Things like the Apache Mission video can be shared like the WELS Connection videos.

As I said before, The Flag Presentation is great for use on your Church’s website and Facebook page.

Of course, there are many other ways. You, the layperson can make a huge difference. After all, You Are Synod!

Please share this information with your pastor and other people whom you feel would benefit from it.

[su_spoiler title=”Note to LWMS Contact” icon=”arrow”]

Dear _________,

This is some of the information related to LWMS which I brought back from Synod Convention. I encourage you to read it, and more importantly, to share it. I had never realized how extensive the ministry of the LWMS is and how important it is to the work of Synod.

Some of the information can possibly be shared on the Kiosk. Sharing a video (such as the Apache Mission video) after church would also be a neat option. You will need to talk to Pastor or the Board of Elders about this. I think adding the Flag Presentation to the church website would be awesome!

I know you folks are creative and will find ways to use this information. Thanks for all you do.

I encourage you to check out more information on my blog at Please let me know if there is any other way I can be of help to you.


Jim Baur

