
A Synod Convention gives us an exciting opportunity to learn more about Synod: its structure and how it functions. This is the first Synod Convention I have attended and want to share my journey with you.

I plan to share information I glean from the BORAM with you. This will also include general information about our synod. I encourage you to join me on this journey.

Sometimes we feel attending a Synod Convention is something we are obligated to do… sort of like a congregational quarterly meeting.

Neat things get done at conventions. The Minnesota Synod decided to start MLC at its 1883 convention. A year later Old Main was dedicated. In 1885 the first class of young men graduated from the Theology Department and began serving the Lutheran immigrants.

Other ‘big” things get done at convention. At the Synod Convention of 1961, men like you and me made a decision to break fellowship with the Missouri Synod. Can you imagine coming home with news which you knew would split your church? News which would divide families? Yes, sometimes big decisions are made at convention.

I don’t anticipate any earthshaking decisions to be made this year. Important decisions still need to be made.

Your input is important. As WELS President Schroeder says, “You are Synod!”

Synod Convention information on

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